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Showing posts from May, 2013

Meditation and the present age

The Bhagavad-Gita is an authoritative statement given to Arjuna by Lord Krishna. It must be borne in the mind that the Bhagavad-Gita was spoken on a battlefield. Before the battle, Arjuna declined to fight with his own kinsmen. After the Bhagavad-Gita was spoken, he changed his mind and fought. There was not much time for this discussion -- one hour at the most -- for the opposing armies were already lined up, and eager to begin the combat. After hearing about the yoga of meditation, which requires going to a secluded place and sitting perfectly still with the eyes focused on the tip of the nose, Arjuna said, "Dear Krishna, I think this system is too difficult for me, on account of my agitated mind." In the material world our minds are agitated. The nature of the material world is such that we cannot be free from anxieties. God has many names, according to His different activities. Arjuna here addresses Krishna as "Killer of Demons," because Arjuna sees his own m